In my opinion, it is the application of motivated, skilful, proactive, charismatic & confident telephone sales activity (skilfully complemented by the benefits of technology and social media) which is a key differentiator between us and those who so wonderfully man check tills in supermarkets – and, these skills are what inject the oxygen of success into sales and recruitment businesses!
So why do so many new sales and recruitment professionals appear to be increasingly averse to this essential pillar, this factual foundation of their role? Well, there are a number of potential reasons. A lack of training, organisation, compartmentalisation, objection handling ability, personal focused motivation, proactive management motivation? Here I will cover just one, one which is seldom addressed? The management of their personal expectations!
Are they subconsciously expecting a yes on every call? (unrealistic) Do they understand the “human nature” element of making initial introductions to decision makers? Do they acknowledge trust is built over time – and this first time they speak with a new decision maker (who says NO), they have created an initial opportunity to begin to begin building that trust? Do they view a sales call in a realistic & logical context? Many sales call shy professionals would not hesitate in introducing themselves to a new decision maker in person – yet when asked to do this by phone, an illogical fear grips them – perhaps they could be consistently reminded to view this vital activity in the realistically comparable context with which they are far more comfortable?
Perhaps we could be reminding them to view sales calls as opportunities to establish professional friendships (Yes, friendships! Why complicate it)? Perhaps we should be making more effort to continually frame this activity in a more “everyday” setting? Perhaps we should spend more time destroying the pre-programmed false fears in the minds of our colleagues – and building the strong logical confidence most will possess in all other areas of their personality until it comes to making a sales call?
Upon meeting someone for the first time, people are often polite, though guarded. As you continue to meet them, rapport grows – as does trust, and each increasingly opens up to the other. However, if you sit in the corner of a busy room and make no effort to introduce yourself to others, you will convince yourself everyone is very unfriendly!
Strong & confident telephone sales calls create choice for the initiator! They will eventually/inevitably work with ever better clients, at better rates, with better opportunities – and attract ever better professionals! A colleague who is begrudging in this area of activity will generally do “just enough” to gain jobs which are impossible to fill, candidates that won’t be placed & prospects who wont buy! It will keep the boss off their back just long enough for them to get another job and advise their colleagues that “I told you it doesn’t f****** work!”
Those who don’t have these skills, will have to put up with dealing with whatever is presented to them at the “check out till of life” because they never accepted that the only bad sales call, is the one you didn’t make!
If the subjects covered here illicit empathy and familiarity – we can help.
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